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MEL-sn>-e: z

14 JULY Ik Э

1. TransfoFnera and elactroBBcbanloal ooaponant* ovarbaatlng.

J. A .erlng of operating/pa 1 %шмт argina of relay* and agnatic or tharaailly

activated . -tvicea.

k. Saortaned operating lifetiBa.

1. Solid pelleta or graina aeparating.

B. High intmial ргеваигм crMtwl within aaalad ома* of projactilaa.


n. Accelerated buBPning of exploaivea or propellent*, o. Qcpenaion of cast е1ф1оа1уеа within their оамв. p. Melting and exuding of exploeivee..

q. Diacoloration, cracking or erasing of organic wateriala.

1-3 gmpEUffig FPR iraffPffM? ТВ?г JffuyijWHiff №f> TBST СТРЩЯВ.

ЮХВ: Tbe tailoring process as described In section 4 of this docismt abould be used to detemdne the eppropriate tests and test variables.

a. Application. Ibis B tbod is used eben tbe test Itee is lllwly % be deployed in areas iM№e cliKtie oonditimis will induoe high ащ iratures witbln tbe test itea. These procedures will be used lAten It is Jtjdged that tbe test lt*M perfonanoe can be verified by chairiber expoaure to controlled air teieratisea and that tbe high teiicMiratis*e effecta have not been identified during other teata (e.g., teaperatisfe-altitude. solar radiation).

b. Test objectives. Tbe prinaoy objectives of tbe blgb-teafieratiBv tests are to determine if:

(1) Tbe test iteai will operate without degradation In. or after atorage in. a climate lAiicfa inducea high teaperaturea within the teat Itaa.

(2) The teat item can be operated and bandied without affecting Ita


(3) Tbe teat item ia aafe dxs*ing and following bigh-teiqperatia<e esqx>suf>e.

c. Restrictions. This method is not applicable for:

(1) Evalxjation of equipomnt in a higb-teqierature environaent тймге solar rediation contributes to differential heating or actinic (photochamical) effects. For

such an environment, use mathod 905.3.

VBTBOD 501.3


1/ Critical conponents of the test item directly affect the fistctloning of equipment. The tenperaturas that these conponents еафегхепсе are of priaa eoncem, regardless of the ambient conditions or slcln tenperature of the test itmn. The response teaperature(s) is the result of the exposinre which is achieved from the temperature cvcle, duration, and thermal/fdiysical properties of the equipment.

(2) IdentiflOAtlon of tiiDB-dependent perfonaance degradation lilch occurs during long-term storage in or ехровгл^ to high tenperatxires. (Such testing nould require extended test езфоаигег.) Selection of test duraticr,s агк! conditions for sush extended expcs-wPa sisuld have to be based гфоп a specific test program requirement and consideration given to natural environmental testing.

(3) Bqulpnent to be installed wAiere the influence of altitude or cooling air may be significant.

d. Sequence. (See (Seneral Requirements, 5.1.4) The high-ten >erature test is

usually schsduled early in the test sequence before initial dynamic transportation tests. This test влу contribute significantly to the results of low pressure testing of seals.

e. Test variations. Tbls method provides a choice of two siibtests: Procedures I (Storage) and II (Qpermtion).

(1) The test procedure selectiwt is based \фоп:

(a) The operational purpose of the test item.

lb) Tnm natwal ехровш eireurastanees.

(c) Tbe test data required to determine whether the operational purpose of the test item has been met.

(3) The related test conditions that may be used during the test are determined by:

(a) Tbe anticipated temperature and humidity ranges of the geogreshical deplwrnant area.

(b) Test item response teii>erature(s) (critical conponent teaperature). 1/

(c) Tbe anticipated dwation of exposure at the deployment area.

MIL-SfD-eiS 14 JSL7 1988

tUBt itmm oonfigmtlon (operational and atorage).

1-3.1.1 The .pperational purpoee of tbe teat iteat From the requdreaNnta docmnt, determine the function to be performed by the teat item in. or follo ing expoeure to, a high-temperature environmant.

1-3.1.2 Hatwal ехрояцгу ffii ,tanoea. From the requiremanta docvaaent. detenaine 4iat high>teaperature eliBMtic expoaure the teat iteai ia likely to experience

during toe atorage mnd eperatlcnal phaeea ef its life Ie. £lsc ccriSidi £sstbsr the itsswill be:

a. Onder cover in an encloeta!>e.

b. Directly eiqxieed to sunlight.

c. Espcsed tc reflected solar rsdiaticn.

d. Stacked.

e. Wind ventilated.

f. Above, on, or uvtor the eartha sia*f

1-3.1.3 Selection of teat procedures(s). ТЧю test prooediss are included id.thin this method: storage and operation. Determine tbe prooedure(s) to be used.

!- Frocedure I-Storase. rrocedure I is used to detersine bsw storags at high teqieratu affects tbe test iteafs safety and performance. Ibis test procediB>e

Includes exposum to high tesperatures (and low htdity liiere aiinliaable) tbat aaor be enccintered in the test itema storage aituation. The teat conditiona and dtsition can be establiahed from field iseasupemttnta or can be derived froai information provided within this procedtre. There are two climatic regions (figure 4a. section 4} titere hiffi storage tenperatures are typically encountered: not Dry and Basic Hot. In eaeh cf these clisatic regions, the ssBxiasusa response t apsrature cf tbe test ites may be higher than the maxiaun asbient air tanperatin becauae the beating from solar radiation is greater an material than it is on the free atmosphere. The storage situation must be considered with respect to:

a. Exposure to solar radiation: Is this exposure directly on the test item, shipping container, protective pacdcage shelter, etc.?

!№T!SH> 501.3

(1) Aabient air conditions. Of interest are the most severe conditions that materiel, wtiich could be deployed in any clinatic area of the world, would experience ймп хяпЛшг cover in fully ventilated locations Budh as open cabins, sw-shaded areas, and underside regions of aircraft iiei*e the test item is shaded from direct solar beating, ilnbient air tenperature and humidity conditions are those measured In standard meteorological shelters at a height of 1.2 to 1.8 meters (4 to в feet) above the grotsid. If field data are not available, the conditions for this exposure nay be approximated from tables 501.3-1 and 501.3-11. Table 501.3-III gives a sunann of high-tenperature diumal carcle ranges for different areas of the world.

МЕТНСЮ 501.3

b. Clissa.tic area of coneem.

c. Analyeia of ЪЬа path of haat transfer from the aobient air and solar radiation to the test iten.

1- Procedvjre II - QperatioT Procedure II Is ueed to determine Uie performance of the test item dts*ing exposure to hieh-teofMrature conditions. In most cases, this prooedts4 shall be preceded by procedure I, \jnless the test item is not intended to be stored in a high-tenperattoTe environment. The operational test differs from the storage test in that the test item is conditioned to tenperaturas determined to be applicable to or resulting from exposure in its operational configuration. Once broiight to this tenperature, the test item is operated to determine performance characteristics. The operational phase can be acccmpllshad by:

Exposure to cyclic chancer conditions with the test item operating either

continuously or dljririg the period of saxinua respcr.se.

b. Езфоаиге to constant tenperature wiwre the test item will be operated following test item tenperature stabilization. The tenperattae level for this ехроагя will either be given by the requirements docinants, derived from the field data, or derived from the response to the cyclic chanber conditions.

1-3.2 Cbolce of related, test conditions. Having determined the operational purpose, the natval eiqposis>e cireusstanees, ani the test procedvB>e (s>, it is necessary to J select the type of езфови, test teaperature(s), test d\s4ition, test item ccmf lgia>ation. and any additional appropriate guidelines.

a. Type of exDosure. In order to determine the test tenperatures, the way in iilcb the test item is exposed to beat must be detexnnined first. The exposure oondltions that must be considered include:


14 JULT 1868

(2) Induced coixlltic v . e conditions mr from the sasa regions as tbs

anbient air conditions but Mith -o <. двыюе nade for tbe effect of solar beating,

fnese are typical conditions tr ir>: latariel is езфоаеа mlie isider cover

is little or nc ventilaticr. snd . ths effects sf sclsp bsating ssi tbs csvsp

a rise In the air temeratis< Ajae*- .t to tb* nateriei, Aa lee ef

conditions оесир are:

(a) Inside unventilc<ted enclc

(b) Hthin enclosed vshiele bodies.

(c) ICLthin aircraft sections having sia*faoee expoaad to aolar baatlM.

(d) Inside of tents.

(e) Otider closed tarpaulins.

these conditions are not the tesDeratiss attained by aquipBant, but rathn* thm air teaperatu: observed in various locations where Materiel is operated or stored. Tbe cycling conditions for this е1фовиге are given in tables 501.3-1 and 501.3-IZ and are to be ueed only if appropriate field neesured data do not exist.

(3) EJctresa induced conditiciui. п*- conditions are indussd but invclve teai>eratis>es as high as 71° to eS<*C (100° to !BS°n, Mking grmmbur ml 1 nwegria for effects of solar radiation or other external heat sou-cee. Applicable conditions for such testing include equipaant that is enployed in the open (for idiicdi aatbod 905.3 should be U8 KI) and in enclosed conpartmants having glased or transparent penels (airaft cociite. vehicle coopartniBnts, etc.). another consideration is the location of equipssnt raar heat-prcdtsing devices .ich ir.f lutcs or intOiSify tbs air tenperatwe sis-rowding the test item. These extrena induced conditiona would be applied by extending the levels of the tenperattas given in tebles 90I.3-I end 801.3-II.

b. Teat tenperatm-e(s). Zietermine tbe test teaperaturev). If field measurenants of actual exposure and reaponse are available, tbe cbaaber oanditicsui

shall be derived free these data. Wthout availility of field asastirihm chanber conditiona will be derived from the following inforamtion and evalimtlons.

VBTHOD 501.3

MIL-STD-810E 14 JDLY 1080

ТкЫ* 501.3-1. Hi<h tanreratuf cvclea. climttic cateaopv - Hot 1/


Runldlty Tenpepmtur*






(05) !

8 : 35


> 1





(03) 1

7 ! 34



(02) :



(01) i

8 : 33



(90) i

В : 33



(01) ;

8 ! 38



! 35


I 40



(101) i



(loe) :



(110) 1



(112) :



(118) !




(lis) :

3 ; 70



(119) :



(120) 1

3 8 70



(110) !

3 i



(lie) !


ivOO i

a a



(108) ;




(105) :

5 !



(102) i

6 ! 30



(100) :

6 !





1/ AB 70-38, 1 Ai t 1070.

SSTHOD 501.3

ТаЫ* 501.3-II. Hi<h te wtur cycles, eli-tticeaf itory, - Atfic Jfat 1/

: of


Humidity X BH

Induead CewdtioiMi


°C ( F)

Hianidity X BH


<8i) ;



(SO) !



Cao) I



(88) :









(oS) i



(SS) i



(99) !



(102) i



(108) :



(107) :




(i(w) i


\ * 1

le *



(110) i



(tlO) t

. i



(109) ;



(1в7) t



(104) :



(100) :




(ОТ) !


(05) 1



(OS) !




№1) :


I/ SR 70-38. 1 SaJSt 1979

eiBOD 501.3



io Hot ua}

I HoptlMm Africa, Middle : Bast, Pakistan and India, soutlraastam Qhitad States

: and ncPthaFT. Msxioc

Muv parts of the world. I axtanding outward from hot t oatagory of the United States, s Mncioo. Afrioa, Asia, and

i austrslia. soutlm Africa, ! South Aasri k, souem Spain and southwest Asia.

Asbiant Air llnduced g/



: С (* F) J.


: 30 r 43 s (se-iio)

Oc (Op)

: 33-71

i (91-130)

I 30-63 : (86-145)

1/ The exact diunnal Qrcles for teoperatut and hшd.dity are given in tables 501.3-1 and 501.3-11. .....

induaad* refi to. 1еапеп Аш а resulting, environamntal factors.

in large part from msnmade or

2/ The equipmant-

(1) Storage test: The teat tM>eratw s for storage test axpoi Aould inolude С)ю11с ooraditions that are derived from the natwal diiSwl eyelas. Tbm cycles provided in tables S01.3-I and 501.3-11 and inforaation in I-S.2a(S) are the ; , asteorologieal and indused diunial eyelea for aaior world araaa. Ibe tafieratis- axtrenes given are based on-a-trequancy of one peroent of the hours during the aswt aavere month in the most severe part of the area enrxapaaeeri by tbe cliaatio region of interest. The тжр in Qeneral Bequirements. figure 4, sho- the boundaries ox the areas of concern. The ehaiifcer air. teapn ture and tnaddity ccnditions can be derived or calculated fra: the analysis of the storage situation (1- and the qycles provided in tables 501.31 and S01.3-ZI and in I-3.2a(3). Tbe values given in tbe tables represent the oonditiona of air within the storage place or adjaoent to the test item. Derivation of the actual test tenperatures suet oonslder tbe themal path to the test itan. type of beat transfer, mass of the test item in relation to.ue mass of the siaroisiding air. and other enpirical and thermal properties of the test it

(2) (Hiorational test: Tbe маЬег air tenperature for the operational test can be derived from an analysis similar to that performed for the storage test. Consideration of all of the probable exposure situations must be based on the

asrSiT} 501.3

lUbl* 501.3-ZZI. ffltrrT ff biith tMiperatup* diumal cvcle гапЛаа 1/

<4wr tiaml purpoM of tlM tMt itM. Again, tb* najop oontpibuting factor to ba oonaidarad ia tba affaet of aolar haatlng on tha aiqpoaad aatarlal and t axpectad raaponaa of tba taat itaa to tba conditions. Тле beating aaCTanisa or therm 1 path sffactissg ths tsst itsst ss a ±ols or its cs>itical esapsnantCs) set be dsteraiasd. If the tbaraal path is a fona of oonveotive beat transfer free of tbe effects of solar radiation, than tbe aabient conditions of tables S01.3-I and S01.3-II and of I-3.3a(3) could- be used to derive tbe dbaabmr air teB >erature and bisaidity teat conditions/cycles. Operational teating Should occur with the teat item experiencing Uw ах1нша rasponae to the established шаеротор: ТЫш aiqxjaure oan be aeconplIshad by (derating tbe test iten dta>ing tbe teaperatwe cycling period. Such operation would also provide infcrsation on the apsrs.ticns.1 ability ef the test ites experienciitf a liaited internal theraal gradient. Bquipnant for abicb the operational tasting cannot be acccanodatsd altb cycling eonditions shall be exposed t0 43onStant teaperature. Tbe teB >erat B4i level uaed fer this exposure aould be the extreaa value aaasured or obtained froa field aaasinamants er obtained from the response of tbe test itea enen exposed to toe tenperat eles derived irom table* 501.3-1 and 501.3-II and froa I-3.2a(3>. fSar. the test itas or its critisal coiiponents are oqnfIgured so that their tenperature cannot be monitored, the estimate of the value oust be based vpon theraal path, mass, and other properties of the test itsBL Figu 501.3-1 may be used as a guide.

e. Duration of wcppsure. Deterodne the test dш tion. The duraticm of high-taBps5 t-tS exposure assy be as significant as tbs bsspsFs.t\s itself. Because procedures I and II expose the test itena to cyclic teoperatures, the пшЬег of cwclas Is critical. Cycles are-34-bour periods tail ess othsraise specified.)

CI) Storage. Tbe nuiber of cycles required is Uiat ЫсЬ aili satisfy tbe design requireaants. Since little ia lanoan about bow to tlaa-coivress tbi* test, tbe nudsar ef cyeles for the etorege test is set at a sIrIbus ef seven t© eoineide tba one percent frequency of eoneuE>r*hee of tibe bounr of astraas taafperas<es durSng the BDSt severe aontb iii an Average year attba aostsevere loaatt in.~ flbe aaxiaua teaperature occurs for approxlaately one kour in eacA cycle.) Iben oonsidering extended storaf*. critical test items, or test itens detarained to be very sensitive to high twiarwture. the тяЬег of les SboFuId be incraaseu to assijFe that tbs design requi::iv.;r.ts are set.

(2) Operation. The adniaua таяЛтг of cycles for tbe operational exposure test is three. This nuaber should be sufficiant for tbe test itea to reach its aaxiaua response teaperature. A аах1шш of seven eyoles is suggested when repeated teaperature response is difficult to obtain.

d. Test itfm configuration. Deteradne tba test itea configuration. Tbe anticipated oonf igia>ation(s) of the test itea during storage and operation should be taed dtjring tbe test. As a minimuB, the following configurations should be cons idered:


eg H

50 40

€ ft 4

.6 .5 .4

I t S4 аЮ 80 9040 60 Ю100


FICUkE SGI.3-1 y ipgfature atablllzatian curves.

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